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Search results for: martenson



Showing 1-20 of 69 results

Chris Martenson is a Coronavirus Con Man Who Promotes Other Cons

I have previously exposed Chris Martenson many times over the years.   In most of my publications discussing Martenson I have focused on his aweful track record of predictions.   See here, here, here, here, here, here and here for a review of my analyses of Martenson, his lies, his fear-mongering pitches, and disinformation tactics designed to con people to believe his nonsense and join his cult. Incidentally, I believe Martenson is using emotional extortion based on fear-mongering in order to extract money (directly and indirectly) from his gullible cult members.   But like all predators, Martenson saw an opportunity to expand his cult during the coronavirus pandemic by pushing baseless conspiracies.  He even flip-flopped on his views afte...

Blast from the Past (2013): Exposing Chris Martenson's Money Map (Agora Financial) Fear-Mongering BS

Anyone who was unfortunate enough to believe Chris Martenson's BS and follow his advice missed out on the longest bull market in history.  It's been 8 years since this scam (video below) was pitched by Martenson and the stooges working for Agora Financial's Money Map. As you might imagine, Martenson is still conning people with nonsense. Most recently, he's jumped aboard the COVID bandwagon as a way to lure more naive people to lure into his cult (revealing images below).    

Is Chris Martenson Working to Advance the Depopulation Agenda? Preliminary Video Discussions

As promised in a recent article, (see below) I have released a video (spliced into three parts due to file size) I made back in 2021, discussing my take on Chris Martenson.   See Scam Artist Chris Martenson Teams Up With Another Known Scammer, Mike Adams Also See EXPOSED: Agora Financial's Copyediting Doomsday Syndicate EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1) Climate Change Cult Leader Chris Martenson is Creating Coronavirus Fake News The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Con That Fooled the World Malthusian Cult Leader Chris Martenson Exposed as Huge Liar Adam Taggart Makes Ridiculous Claims to Lure Suckers Chris Martenson Exposed (Video) EXPOSED: Chris Martenson Pseudo-intellectual BS Artist Chris Martenson Teams Up With Huckster Robert Kiyosaki Clueless C...

Chris Martenson Exposed (Video)

Last year we released the results of an investigation of Chris Martenson. This 60-page tell-all analysis is nothing less than what one would expect from the world’s top investment forecaster and fraud detection expert, Mike Stathis. EXPOSED: Chris Martenson As a part of the process of exposing Chris Martenson for what he is….your typical doomsday, gold-pumping charlatan preying on naive individuals...Mike also made a few videos pointing to just how clueless Martenson remains. Today, Mike has released an outstanding video proving that Martenson has been completely wrong about EVERYTHING, similar to the other members of the doomsday, gold-pumping syndicate.  This is a video you won’t want to miss.  

Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart Selling Tickets to Trash Virtual Conference

Anyone who has listened to Martenson and Taggart over the past decade has lost their ass BIG TIME.  I challenge Martenson, Taggart or anyone else to prove otherwise. I will guarantee you that can't because this duo of douche bag charlatans were fear-mongering while pitching gold and warnings about stock market collapses every year.  Assuming you realize who these clowns are and what they stand for, it's easy to imagine what kinds of idiots and con artists will be featured at their BS events.  The first video below was first published in 2014 and should serve as a brief reminder about Martenson.  Fortunately for these two money-grubbing parasites, the market of naive and easily manipulated people is quite large.  In the next video below we take a closer...

Climate Change Cult Leader Chris Martenson is Creating Coronavirus Fake News

Some readers may need to read a few previous articles I've written about Chris Martenson in order to put everything into context. However, for those who are not familiar with Mr. Martenson, I'll provide a brief rundown before proceeding to discuss the focus of this article.   I've discussed Chris Martenson several times over the years because I believe he's engaging in less than honest business practices for the purpose of selling snake oil. In short, Martenson is someone the public should be warned about because he's selling fear and disinformation while marketing himself as a credible source of insight. Let me be clear. Chris Martenson is by no means credible.  If Martenson kept to himself and only posted his nonsense on his huckster-themed "Peak Prosperity" website, hi...

Scam Artist Chris Martenson Teams Up With Another Known Scammer, Mike Adams

I've had too many fraudsters to expose over the past few years (I still have hundreds to expose with the list growing each day) so I forgot to finish a few articles I started on Chris Martenson a few years ago.  Luckily, I had already published a few articles and videos exposing him (see links below).   The other day I ran across a video where former Alex Jones Infowars partner Mike Adams, who calls himself the "Health Ranger" (he's actually a health fraudster) interviewed Martenson.      Seeing these two scammers team up reminded me of the articles on Martenson I forgot to finish. In short, I will be working hard to release these remaining articles in the near future.  As for Adams, he's such an obvious fraud that many others have already exposed hi...

Is Chris Martenson is a Scam Artist Shilling for the New World Order?

Chris Martenson's "the sky is falling" fear-mongering narrative is an offshoot of Paul Elrich's discredited 1968 book, the "Population Bomb," which itself is an offshoot of the Malthusian horse crap that began some two hundred years ago.  I'll get into more detail on this topic in the future.  But it gets worse. Martenson is pitching the same theme the liberal establishment has been promoting for decades. Guys like Bill Gates have teamed up with the United Nations to warn us about alleged "resource limitations" as a means by which to validate the implementation of additional control mechanisms on human activity. You know, "Big Brother" type propaganda.  You should note that Martenson likes to boast that he delivered a summarized "Crash Course" presentation to the United...

EXPOSED: Chris Martenson

Who is Chris Martenson?  Is He Legit?  And is He on Your Side?   In this 3-year investigation of Martenson, we lay out the details of how this snake has elbowed his way into the gold charlatan network in this 60-page report. We issued a warning about Martenson a while back, knowing well what he was up to, but we just did not have the time to do the investigation and write-up required to present a bullet-proof analysis. Click here to read our previous warning. More recently, we exposed what a complete clown Martenson is by showing his predictions on commodities and the US stock market. Click here and here to view Parts 1 & 2 of this video presentation, respectively. The full report on Chris Martenson can be found in our famous Encyclopedia of Bozos,...

The Truth About Chris Martenson Keeps Getting Uglier by the Day

A few years ago I characterized Chris Martenson as a very deceptive predator who was ready to do anything in order to line his pockets from as many sheep as possible by spreading fear-mongering disinformation. See here.  In the 100-page article exposing Martenson I also pointed to bogus claims he made in order to boost his stature and credibility.  In case you don't know anything about Chris Martenson, he's one of those guys who has been warning of a bubble in the stock market, real estate market, and just about everything else you can think of (except gold and silver) since 2011 as a part of his fear-mongering pitch designed to lure naive people as well as nut jobs into his unethical business of selling "fear porn," while directing these victims to service providers (mainly...

Chris Martenson is a Fear-Mongering, Disinformation Con (part 2)

The video below (part 2) was created in December 2014. Since then we have found out much more information about Martenson which will be published in the near future.

Pseudo-intellectual BS Artist Chris Martenson Teams Up With Huckster Robert Kiyosaki

Although I've added a few images of these scum bags here, you can find a larger number of annotated images of these and many other charlatans in the image library.  Make sure to check the image library for a huge stock pile of annotated images. You can locate specific individuals and topics using the advanced search feature. As some of you might recall, I began exposing Chris Martenson several years ago. You might want to have a look at some of the previous material on Chris Martenson here, here, here, here and here. It became apparent to me that Chris Martenson had joined the fear-mongering broken clock profiteering circuit. And he was determined to form a cult to exploit naive individuals who had been infested with all kinds of ridiculous propaganda from a variety of...

Clueless Chris Martenson is Selling Fear (Part 2)

Anyone can pretend to be some kind of economic or investment expert in the media. After all, the standards used by the media are extremely low. Basically, if you tell the media you're qualified they will believe you; hence the case of Chris Martenson. Sit back, relax and enjoy this video series. As always, you WILL learn a great deal about economics and how the markets work. It's about time someone exposed this snake.

Clueless Chris Martenson is Selling Fear (Part 1)

Anyone can pretend to be some kind of economic or investment expert in the media. After all, the standards used by the media are extremely low. Basically, if you tell the media you're qualified they will believe you; hence the case of Chris Martenson. Sit back, relax and enjoy this video series. As always, you WILL learn a great deal about economics and how the markets work. It's about time someone exposed this snake.

Blast from the Past: Can You Spot a Con Artist? The Case of Chris Martenson

This video was created about 7 years ago and much has happened since then.  In short, Martenson has become  There is MUCH more to come on Martenson.  It's coming soon so get ready.  ...

Chris Martenson is a Fear-Mongering, Disinformation Con (part 1)

The video below (part 1) was created in December 2014. Since then we have found out much more information about Martenson which will be published in the near future. Some (not all) Additional Background Material on Martenson Climate Change Cult Leader Chris Martenson is Creating Coronavirus Fake News The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Con That Fooled the World Malthusian Cult Leader Chris Martenson Exposed as Huge Liar Adam Taggart Makes Ridiculous Claims to Lure Suckers Chris Martenson Exposed (Video) EXPOSED: Chris Martenson Pseudo-intellectual BS Artist Chris Martenson Teams Up With Huckster Robert Kiyosaki Clueless Chris Martenson is Selling Fear (Part 1) Clueless Chris Martenson is Selling Fear (Part 2) Snake Oil Alert: Chris Martenson and Zero Hedge Simon Black (Sovereign Man)......

Snake Oil Alert: Chris Martenson and Zero Hedge

We recently released a detailed article (18 pages) dissecting the methods and tactics of a new scam artist. See here. But we are by no means finished. We plan to continue discussing this guy and others he is linked with in another long and detailed article to be released in the near future.  
